ruby on rails - Add validation in acts_as_commentable gem -

i'm using gem called acts_as_commentable

i have added custom column in migration like: recipient_id

then generated comment model per documentation:

rails g comment

now, in comment.rb, have following line:

validate :comment, :recipient_id, :presence => true 

note: comment column added gem itself

still, after following documentation, when fire following deliberately:

commentable = post.create(:title => ......) comment = commentable.comments.create comment.comment = "some comment" comment.recipient_id = nil! 

the comment object seems like:

<comment id: 1, comment: "some comment", commentable_id: 1, commentable_type: "post", recipient_id: nil, created_at: "2015-06-13 09:41:23", updated_at: "2015-06-13 09:41:23"> 

why it's not validating presence of recipient_id?

your calling validate instead of validates. both different.

it should be:

validates :comment, :recipient_id, :presence => true 


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