Import {} from location is not found in VS Code using TypeScript and Angular 2 -
i trying out new angular 2 forms. import statements follows:
import {bootstrap, onchange, ngif, component, directive, view, ancestor} 'angular2/angular2'; import {formdirectives, ngcontrol, validators, ngform} 'angular2/forms'; import {regexpwrapper, print, ispresent} 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {reflector} 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection'; import {reflectioncapabilities} 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities';
the 'angular2/angular2' resolves fine, none of other "from
" locations resolve. error is:
cannot find module 'angular2/forms'.
all of these components in node_modules
directory. if put in full path:
import {formdirectives, controldirective, validators, templatedrivenformdirective} 'c:/users/deb/node_modules/angular2/forms';
then works. however, should not need use full path. missing when set tsconfig or there else wrong?
problem example application did not match version of angular 2 available download.
if interested, have working example of angular2 forms typescript , visual studio code here:
hope helps else standing on "bleeding edge".
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