node.js - One to Many relationship in Express Models using mongoDB -

this doctors.js model:

var mongoose = require('mongoose'), schema = mongoose.schema; var patient = require('./patient.js');  var doctorschema = mongoose.schema({    firstname: string,   lastname: string,   qualifications: string,   photo: buffer,   _patients: [{ type: schema.types.objectid, ref: 'patient' }] });  var doctor = mongoose.model('doctor', doctorschema); module.exports = doctor; 

this patients.js model:

var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var doctor = require('./doctor.js');  var patientschema = mongoose.schema({   firstname: string,   lastname: string,   dob: string,   gender: string,   primarydiagnosis: string,   duration: string,   _doctorincharge: {type: number, ref: 'doctor'},   hospitalnumber: string,   photo: buffer });  var patient = mongoose.model('patient', patientschema); module.exports = patient; 

is way make 1 many relationship work?


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