converting/porting Xamarin.Android project to Xamarin.iOS -
i'm in process of converting/porting on project xamarin.ios , have run wall entirely different architecture of ios - how uis designed (axml layouts in android storyboards in ios) how backend code works ui (activity in android viewcontrollers in ios). event names different - onclick in android touchupinside in ios. controls called subviews , control properties 'outlets' - there's learning curve here.
does here have success - or @ least experience - in porting project xamarin.ios? there tools out there used convert android axml layouts ios storyboards or android activity ios viewcontrollers? how book or online resource/website of has done this?
i have 20-25 android axml layouts , activities in project , thought writing code build tool can automate translation of these ios equivalents. i've checked out storyboard code , see textview 'label' while edittext 'textfield'. there list maps android controls storyboard equivalents?
there no such book, tool or library can that. there architectural differences in way things work on ios , android. on android, instance of context needed system/ui operations, whereas on ios, can independently.
the best way start have been create pcl logic part of code , create ui , bindings in native projects.
hope helps.
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