xcode - collect result of NStableView with checkboxes in Swift -
i have hard time trying collect number of checkboxes checked inside second column of nstableview.
i composed nstableview 2 column (via ib), first named : bugcolumn (it contains textfiled) second named : checkedcolumn (it contains checkboxes)
here code used display strings in first column :
var objets: nsmutablearray! = nsmutablearray()
extension masterviewcontroller: nstableviewdatasource { func numberofrowsintableview(atableview: nstableview) -> int { return self.objets.count } func tableview(tableview: nstableview, viewfortablecolumn tablecolumn: nstablecolumn?, row: int) -> nsview? { var cellview: nstablecellview = tableview.makeviewwithidentifier(tablecolumn!.identifier, owner: self) as! nstablecellview if tablecolumn!.identifier == "bugcolumn" { cellview.textfield!.stringvalue = self.objets.objectatindex(row) as! string } return cellview }
the second column made of checkboxes appearing each element of first column.
i know corresponding text in first column each checkboxes enabled (checked).
i red few exemples nstableview but, or differents things, or in objective-c. explain how using swift? thanks
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