java - Lambda Expressions functional programming -
i have programm regular expression lambda expressions university. got stuck 2 methods in method.
here code:
static string ausdruck = "abcd"; public static function<string, string> char = (c) -> { return (ausdruck.startswith(c)) ? ausdruck = ausdruck.substring(1, ausdruck.length()) : "value error"; }; public static bifunction<function<string, string>, function<string, string>, function<string, string>> , = (f1, f2) -> {return null;};
what want in and
method is: char(char.apply("a"))
-> want call function f2
parameter. call of , method have like:
and.apply(char.apply("a"), char.apply("b"));
if understand question correctly, want create function compones new function, executing 1 function result of function. best way in lambda return new lambda.
try this:
bifunction<function<string, string>, function<string, string>, function<string, string>> compose = (f1, f2) -> (a -> f2.apply(f1.apply(a)));
function<string, string> upper = s -> s.touppercase(); function<string, string> twice = s -> s + s; function<string, string> uppertwice = compose.apply(upper, twice); system.out.println(uppertwice.apply("foo"));
output foofoo
concerning concrete example
the call of , method have like:
and.apply(char.apply("a"), char.apply("b");
i not know trying do, don't think work, given current implementation of char
. seems want compose lambda remove a
remove b
, instead char.apply("a")
not create function, remove "a"
string! instead, char
lambda should return lambda, , lambda should not modify static
variable, take , return string parameter.
function<string, function<string, string>> stripchar = c -> (s -> s.startswith(c) ? s.substring(1) : "error"); function<string, string> stripaandc = compose.apply(stripchar.apply("c"), stripchar.apply("a")); system.out.println(stripaandc.apply("cash"));
output sh
finally, in case want use other string
, might make sense make compose
actual method instead of lambda, can make use of generics. also, can make bit simpler using andthen
public static <a, b, c> function<a, c> compose(function<a, b> f1, function<b,c> f2){ return f1.andthen(f2); }
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