coldfusion - application.cfc - conditionally turn on session and/or client management? -
i want reduce overhead of spider/crawler traffic. i'm not expecting catch of it, if can catch 90% of it's win.
what's best way conditionally turn on/off session or client management in application.cfc? i'm thinking along lines of this, i'm not sure if cgi scope defined , initialized when application.cfc instantiated.
this.sessionmanagement = !isspiderrequest();
private boolean function isspiderrequest() { if (refindnocase("googlebot|msnbot|crawler|crawling|spider|wget|curl|baidu|robot|slurp|gigabot|ia_archiver|libwww-perl|lwp-trivial|mediapartners-google", cgi.http_user_agent)) return(true); return(false); }
we set session timeout 10 seconds bots. don't errors, don't consume (much) memory.
<!--- set app ---> <cfscript> = "asdf"; this.applicationtimeout = createtimespan( 0, 0, 60, 0 ); this.setclientcookies = true; this.datasource = "asdf"; this.sessionmanagement = true; // test whether user bot this.isbot = this.checkuseragent(); // visitor bot ~ set fast timeout if (this.isbot == true) { //abort; this.sessiontimeout = createtimespan( 0, 0, 0, 10 ); // visitor not bot ~ set slow timeout } else { this.sessiontimeout = createtimespan( 0, 0, 60, 10 ); } </cfscript> <cffunction name="checkuseragent"> <cfscript> // query current list of bot words local.botwordlist = this.getbotwords(); // visitors current user agent in lower case local.thisagent = trim(lcase(cgi.http_user_agent)); // @ user agent see if browser // browser's user agent contains banned word // return true or false </cfscript> </cffunction>
alternative answer... haven't tried this, don't see why won't work.
<!--- set app ---> <cfscript> = "asdf"; this.applicationtimeout = createtimespan( 0, 0, 60, 0 ); this.datasource = "asdf"; this.setclientcookies = true; // test whether user bot this.isbot = this.checkuseragent(); // visitor bot ~ set fast timeout if (this.isbot == true) { this.sessionmanagement = false; // visitor not bot } else { this.sessionmanagement = true; this.sessiontimeout = createtimespan( 0, 0, 60, 10 ); } </cfscript>
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