android - Error trying to call .buildClassifier (Weka) in Java AndroidStudio -

i trying use weka in android studio. , stuck @ line:


its red underlined , says:

unhandled exception:java.lang.exception

i trying other ways , different dataset , allways underlined @ .buildclassifier

    //test:     naivebayes nb = new naivebayes();     nb.buildclassifier(dataset); //unhandled exception      classifier cmodel = (classifier)new linearregression();     cmodel.buildclassifier(data); //unhandled exception 

trying fix hours, couldn't find solution on internet,i think missing maybe need import more?

i doing tutorial code should work. tutorial:

whole code

import weka.*; import weka.classifiers.trees.j48; import weka.core.*; import weka.classifiers.classifier; import weka.core.instance; import weka.core.instances; import weka.classifiers.functions.linearregression; import weka.classifiers.bayes.naivebayes;  public class meni extends activity { public void weka(){     //@attribute housesize numeric     attribute a1 = new attribute("housesize", 0);     attribute a2 = new attribute("lotsize", 1);     attribute a3 = new attribute("bedrooms", 2);     attribute a4 = new attribute("granite", 3);     attribute a5 = new attribute("bathroom", 4);     attribute a6 = new attribute("sellingprice", 5);      //arraylist attr = new arraylist();     fastvector attrs = new fastvector();     attrs.addelement(a1);     attrs.addelement(a2);     attrs.addelement(a3);     attrs.addelement(a4);     attrs.addelement(a5);     attrs.addelement(a6);      //@data     instance i1  = new denseinstance(6);     i1.setvalue(a1, 3529);     i1.setvalue(a2, 9191);     i1.setvalue(a3, 6);     i1.setvalue(a4, 0);     i1.setvalue(a5, 0);     i1.setvalue(a6, 205000);     instance i2  = new denseinstance(6);     i2.setvalue(a1, 3247);     i2.setvalue(a2, 10061);     i2.setvalue(a3, 5);     i2.setvalue(a4, 1);     i2.setvalue(a5, 1);     i2.setvalue(a6, 224900);     instance i3  = new denseinstance(6);     i3.setvalue(a1, 4032);     i3.setvalue(a2, 10150);     i3.setvalue(a3, 5);     i3.setvalue(a4, 0);     i3.setvalue(a5, 1);     i3.setvalue(a6, 197900);      //set class atribute     dataset.setclassindex(dataset.numattributes()-1);      //creating model     linearregression linearregresion = new linearregression();     linearregresion.buildclassifier(data); //unhandled exception :( 

} }

it problem weka.jar library. normal 1 download weka site not working downloaded modified 1 user rjmanrsan: working :)


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