
Showing posts from January, 2010

Use of << in given Verilog code? -

in following verilog code snippet implementing input buffer router, in second line, role of 1<<`buf_width ? understand << left shift operator, happens left shifting 1 `buf_width ? or there other function of << operator? `define buf_width 3 // buf_size = 16 -> buf_width = 4, no. of bits used in pointer `define buf_size ( 1<<`buf_width ) module fifo13( clk, rst, buf_in, buf_out, wr_en, rd_en, buf_empty, buf_full, fifo_counter ); input rst, clk, wr_en, rd_en; input [7:0] buf_in; // data input pushed buffer output[7:0] buf_out;// port output data using pop. output buf_empty, buf_full; // buffer empty , full indication output[`buf_width :0] fifo_counter; // number of data pushed in buffer reg[7:0] buf_out; reg buf_empty, buf_full; reg[`buf_width :0] fifo_counter; reg[`buf_width -1:0] rd_ptr, wr_ptr; // pointer read , write addresses reg[7:0] ...

Declare a variable in RedShift -

sql server has ability declare variable, call variable in query so: declare @startdate date; set @startdate = '2015-01-01'; select * orders orderdate >= @startdate; does functionality work in amazon's redshift? documentation , looks declare used solely cursors. set looks function looking for, when attempt use that, error. set session startdate = '2015-01-01'; [error code: 500310, sql state: 42704] [amazon](500310) invalid operation: unrecognized configuration parameter "startdate"; is possible in redshift ? no, amazon redshift not have concept of variables. redshift presents postgresql, highly modified. there mention of user defined functions @ 2014 aws re:invent conference, might meet of needs. update in 2016: scalar user defined functions can perform computations cannot act stored variables.

javascript - Node.js Recursive Loop fail -

below node.js script. downloads images contained in div. loop works fine 9.86% upto id = 36. when id > 36 exits loop. using node 0.12 version. loop needs run 365 times before completion. usign method of recursive callback . code: //required modules var fs = require('fs'), cheerio = require('cheerio'), request = require('request'); //default variables var baseuri = ''; var year = 2013; var id = 1; var savepath = process.argv[2]; //download function var download = function(uri, filename, callback){ request({ uri: uri }, function(err, res, body){ var $ = cheerio.load(body); var imgdiv = $('#img-wallpaper').children()['0']; if(err) console.err(err); if(typeof imgdiv !== 'undefined') { request(imgdiv.attribs.src).pipe(fs.createwritestream(filename)).on('close', callback);} }); }; //main function console.log("downloading . . ....

Python list comprehension - need elements skipped combinations -

for input list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] i need output [[0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [2, 4], [2, 5], [3, 5], [0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 4], [0, 4, 5], [1, 3, 4], [1, 4, 5], [2, 4, 5], [0, 2, 3, 4], [0, 3, 4, 5], [1, 3, 4, 5]] i have tried code, for k in range( 0, 5 ): in range( len( inputlist ) - ( 2 + k ) ): print [inputlist[k], inputlist[i + ( 2 + k )]] in range( len( inputlist ) - ( 3 + k ) ): print [inputlist[k], inputlist[i + ( 2 + k )], inputlist[i + ( 3 + k )]] in range( len( inputlist ) - ( 4 + k ) ): print [inputlist[k], inputlist[i + ( 2 + k )], inputlist[i + ( 3 + k )], inputlist[i + ( 4 + k )]] i need skipped patterns, 1,2,3 --> 1,3 1,2,3,4 --> [1,3],[1,4],[2,4] ie, first element, third element , on. how generalize this? appreciated try describe words problem. from understand example: def good(x): return x[0]+1!=x[1] , all(i+1==j i,j in zip(x[1:],x[2:])) itertools impo...

php - Display mysql database query result on second pages -

i have mysql database display data on 1 page want display data on next page please give me suggestion how can ......... need modifications in code want display table table on next page(book.php page populated database)...... second thing need know possible store value of calendar in session variable (is ???than how?) <?php if(isset($_post['search'])){ $from = $_post['from']; $to = $_post['to']; $query = mysql_query("select * schedule destinatio='$from' , arriva ='$to'"); $c = mysql_num_rows($query); if (!$query) { die('invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } if($c>0) { ?> <table> <tr align="center"><td width="120"><span class="style23">destination</span> </td> <td width="57"><span class="style23">arr...

c++ - input errors : split part of one entery -

i doing practice on standard i/o have complex class . class has overloaded insertion , extraction operators ,the input should of form : x + yi(e.g 10 + 9i) have determine if input valid or not . there problem , if input in form result failbit , cause inputing char 'i' integer data type . how can , without having fail bit ? mine function : istream &operator>>(istream &input, complex &complex) { input >> complex.realpart; input.ignore(3); input >> complex.imaginarypart; return input; } but not enough !if there space between , integer solve every thing . there no !i thought of using array , or string,but copying them int private data of class, not seem programming . , errors have after all?? lot ! ;) you have check '+' , trailing 'i': istream &operator>>(istream &input, complex &complex) { char plus,letter; if (input >> complex.realpart >> plus) { ...

c# - Dynamically Writing to a List -

so trying solve problem: you given number n , 2*n numbers. write program check whether sum of odd numbers equal sum of n numbers. first number considered odd, next even, next odd again, etc. print result “yes” or “no”. in case of yes, print sum. in case of no, print difference between odd , sums. input the input data should read console. • first line holds integer n – count of numbers. • each of next 2*n lines holds 1 number. the input data valid , in format described. there no need check explicitly. output • output must printed on console. • print “yes, sum=s” s sum of odd n numbers in case of sum of odd n numbers equal sum of n numbers. • otherwise print “no, diff=d” d difference between sum of odd n numbers , sum of n numbers. d should positive number. constraints • number n integer in range [0...500]. • other numbers integers in range [-500 000 ... 500 000]. • allowed working time p...

c - using splice with socket may cause starvation -

i'm writing tcp proxy, using edge-triggered epoll monitor fd, splice transmit data. here problem: how know socket receive buffer empty? for example, if call read(2) asking read amount of data , read(2) returns lower number of bytes, can sure of having exhausted read i/o space file descriptor. but found splice(sock, 0, pfd[1], 0, 65536, splice_f_nonblock) < 65536 may lead starvation. o_nonblock enabled, n > pipe_buf if pipe full, write(2) fails, errno set eagain. otherwise, 1 n bytes may written (i.e., "partial write" may occur; caller should check return value write(2) see how many bytes written), , these bytes may interleaved writes other processes. so should repeat calling splice till eagain? how can know whether socket receive buffer empty or pipe buffer full? maybe can use getsockopt syscall so_error , , known socket eagain , , use epoll watch read/write event of socket. i have problem when adding reverse http proxy web server,...

Rails create a helper to add text -

i have fee column in model , integer type, try create tiny helper add dollar sign neatly in front. means, instead of writing: span = "$#{@object.fee}" i can write like span = @object.fee.dollar so created tiny helper. module applicationhelper def self.dollar "$#{self.try(:to_s)}" end end i not sure put it, it's showing undefined method `dollar' 180:fixnum number_to_currency() rails 4.2 has actionview::helper number_to_currency(1234567890.506) helper if want implement helper, works module applicationhelper def dollar(amount) amount = number_to_currency(amount) end end invoke <%= dollar(your_var_here) %> rails spec number_to_currency() note: other versions of rails may have function, you'd have check version.

Adding java variable to batch file -

here's updated code. button being clicked in class made separate form java class provided. know says ping (disregard that, i'm using button testing purposes) don't see how reference each other process p line of code provided. think? jbutton btnpingcomputer = new jbutton("ping"); btnpingcomputer.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent arg0) { string line; bufferedwriter bw = null; bufferedwriter writer =null; try { writer = new bufferedwriter(new filewriter(tempfile)); } catch (ioexception e1) { // todo auto-generated catch block e1.printstacktrace(); } string linetoremove = "ou=workstations"; string s = null; process p = null; try { p = runtime.getr...

linux - unknown field 'ioctl' specified in initializer -

i implement simple example study usage of ioctl interface according book ldd3 . when compiling codes, unknown field 'ioctl' specified in initializer. reported. i guess difference of kernel version between ldd3 's , mine causes error. i'm using debian 8 kernel 3.18.14, newer version 2.6 in ldd3 . i don't know how ioctl , or struct file_operations , changed form 2.6 3.18, please show me reading materials clarify it. of course, besides reading material, need 1 solution fix problem. ioctl has been renamed unlocked_ioctl . e.g, see article: other operations struct file_operations , mentioned in ldd3, haven't been changed.

javascript - console.log() async or sync? -

i reading async javascript trevor burnham. has been great book far. he talks snippet , console.log being 'async' in safari , chrome console. unfortunately can't replicate this. here code: var obj = {}; console.log(obj); = 'bar'; // outcome: object{}; 'bar'; // book outcome: {foo:bar}; if async, anticipate outcome books outcome. console.log() put in event queue until code executed, ran , have bar property. it appears though running synchronously. am running code wrong? console.log async? console.log not standardized, behavior rather undefined, , can changed release release of developer tools. book outdated, might answer soon. to our code, not make difference whether console.log async or not, not provide kind of callback or so; , values pass referenced , computed @ time call function. we don't know happens (ok, could, since firebug, chrome devtools , opera dragonfly open source). console need store logged values som...

HTML/CSS website margin problems -

do need margin-top 70% in order put content on bottom? right? or doing wrong? to position 2 elements side side, 1 should not use float:left; , float:right. can use display:inline-block , position 3 divs. - Getting the property send by api in mvc -

i using paytab's api. (paytab payment gate way api). after payement return actionresult thereturnpage(). there need payement_refrence property paytab send post method. in 2 tier did , worked me public partial class thereturnpage : { protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { httpcontext c = httpcontext.current; if (c.request["payment_reference"] != null) { string paymentreference = c.request["payment_reference"].tostring(); if (verifypayment(paymentreference)) { //payment verified , logging out payment process if (logoutpayment()) { textbox1.text = "payment verified , logged out successfuly"; how can same in mvc? paytab manual can find here. you can use request.form object in controller, object contains p...

html - Bootstrap Collapse Navbar - Pulling Text Left -

so... when navbar on desktop or laptop screen want text pulled right have done, when viewing website phone collapse navbar. when navbar collapsed text pulled left instead of right can't find way it. i've tried text-align aligns text whereas want being pull left when shown on phone screen. <!-- navbar --> <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-2" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="sr-only">toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class=...

Stacktrace and error monads in Clojure -

i not sure whether error handling monads considered best practice clojure seems quite popular (however, still see exceptions used lot). monads seem more functional approach error handling. however, missing stacktrace when using error monads. there way how stacktrace when using monads? or alternative in here? as muhuk says, you'd use monad avoid getting stacktrace. an article discovered when answering another recently relates 1 linked it builds m-> threading monad, , gives example of using produce fail-> monad based on work in error monads article. allows return different error types during execution.

ios - How do I save the number of times the user has lost the game in Swift? -

so every-time user loses game want add 1. want save number of deaths user has in game. right number stays @ 1 , doesn't go when user loses again. why happen? override func didmovetoview(view: skview) { var deathlabel = sklabelnode() deathlabel = sklabelnode(fontnamed: "ladyice-3d") deathlabel.text = "100" deathlabel.zposition = 14 deathlabel.fontsize = 100 deathlabel.fontcolor = skcolor.darktextcolor() deathlabel.position = cgpointmake(self.size.width / 1.1, self.size.height / 1.4) deathlabel.hidden = true self.addchild(deathlabel) } //edit if firstbody.categorybitmask == herocategory && fourthbody.categorybitmask == gameovercategory { var deathscore: int = 0 deathscore++ deathlabel.hidden = false var defaults=nsuserdefaults() var savedeaths = defaults.integerforkey("saven...

Can I run Cuda or OpenCl on Intel processor graphics I7 (3rd or 4rd genration) -

i'm developing on sbc (which have intel i7 3ed or 4ed, , doesn't have external gpu) i'm using linux. want take advantage of intel processor graphics . thought learn developing cuda or opencl. read old posts (several years ago) (and i'm not sure there better technology now): can run cuda on intel gpu programming, cuda or opencl can run cuda code on intel processor graphics ? can run opencl code on intel processor graphics ? if can run cuda & opencl code on intel processor graphics, better ? as @robert crovella said cannot run cuda on intel gpu/cpu. comes opencl have few choices: intel opencl driver intel gpu , cpu open source beignet intel gpu amd app sdk can run on intel cpu i cannot 1 best intel gpu on linux. think beignet first support intel gpu official intel drivers appeared. intel cpu on linux use amd app sdk.

c - Initializing, constructing and converting struct to byte array causes misalignment -

i trying design data structure (i have made shorter save space here think idea) used byte level communication: /* packet.h */ #define cm_header_size 3 #define cm_data_size 16 #define cm_footer_size 3 #define cm_packet_size (cm_header_size + cm_data_size + cm_footer_size) // + other definitions typedef struct cm_header{ uint8_t packetstart; //start indicator 0x5b [ uint8_t deviceid; //id of device sending uint8_t packettype; } cm_header; typedef struct cm_footer { uint16_t datacrc; //crc of 'data' part of cm_packet uint8_t packetend; //should 0x5d or ] } cm_footer; //here trying conver few u8[4] tp u32 (4*u32 = 16 byte, hence data size) typedef struct cm_data { union { struct{ uint8_t value_0_0:2; uint8_t value_0_1:2; uint8_t value_0_2:2; uint8_t value_0_3:2; }; uint32_t ...

.net - Domain Model with Event Sourcing -

silly question...but why need domain model @ if use event sourcing. i have (an event bus of course) and application services business operations each send command after basic validation command handlers receive commands perform additional command validation , publish events event handlers handle events, update read model, , store event in repository (the event source) read model services provide read models front ends (ui or otherwise) consume read models read model services)...and utilize application services business operations. why need aggregate roots , domain entities @ all? what's function of additional layer? sounds may doing bit in command handler. clear - role of command handler receive command, load appropriate aggregate , send command aggregate. grabs events aggregate may have generated persists them , publishes them. here diagram have on blog. for fuller step step overview of typical cqrs + es application have @ post: cqrs + event sourcing -...

swift - How to avoid multiple instances on -

this code parse docs. each time run it, have object created. want create once, next update (i.e. position etc, not counter of game score) you parse, think it's simple common issue, how can fix it? suppose should retrieve objectid after first entry, make query, how ? edit after wain comment //mark: example parse //******************************************************* //single pfobject countains: score: 1337, playername: "sean plott", cheatmode: false //let's make object let kuserdefaultsparseid = "userdefaultsparseid" let kidgotfromparse: anyobject? = nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().objectforkey(kuserdefaultsparseid) if kidgotfromparse == nil { //let firstentry = "bi4rioeqda" var gamescore = pfobject(classname:"gamescore") gamescore["score"] = 1337 gamescore["playername"] = "sean plott" gamescore["cheatmode"] = false gamescore.savei...

Asp.Net NoCaptcha not updating in UpdatePanel -

nocaptcha image works fine if don't add updatepanel, if add updatepanel not update on postback. here code : <asp:updatepanel id="updatepaneltriggers" runat="server" updatemode="conditional"> <contenttemplate> --nocaptcha <div id="captcha" runat="server" class="login_re_captcha_hidden"> <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="key"> </div> </div> </contenttemplate> <triggers> <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="btnlogin" /> </triggers> </asp:updatepanel> <asp:updateprogress id="uprcampaigns" runat="server" displayafter="0" associatedupdatepanelid="updatepaneltriggers"> <progresstemplate> <div class="loadingiconbackground...

c# - HttpWebReqest headers not sent depending on order when RequestStream was populated -

i'm writing .net 2 code , forced using it's tools. i'm,trying send put , attach headers (i.e. user-agent). code: void main() { var req = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(""); req.method = "put"; req.contenttype = "application/json"; // fillrequestbody("{'c':'d'}", req); req.useragent = "linqpad/4"; fillrequestbody("{'a':'b'}", req); var resp = (httpwebresponse) req.getresponse(); //resp.dump(); } private static void fillrequestbody(string contentasstring, webrequest request) { var databytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes(contentasstring); request.contentlength = databytes.length; using (var requeststream = request.getrequeststream()) requeststream.write(databytes, 0, databytes.length); } that runs fine , i'm getting headers expected: user-agent: linqpad/4 content-length: 9 connection: close content-type...

networking - TCP congestion control - Fast Recovery in graph -

i've been reading book "computer networking: top down approach" , encountered question don't seem understand. read, tcp congestion control has 3 states: slow start, congestion avoidance , fast recovery. understand slow start , congestion avoidance well, fast recovery pretty vague. book claims tcp behaves way: (cwnd= congestion window) let's @ following graph: as can see, @ round 16 sender sends 42 segments, , because congestion window size had been halved (+3), can infer there have been 3 duplicate-acks. answer question claims rounds between 16 , 22 in congestion avoidance state . why not fast recovery ? mean, after 3 duplicate acks tcp enters fast recovery , every other duplicate ack since should increase congestion window. why graph has no representation of that? reasonable explanation think of in graph, there three-duplicate acks, , acks had been received since not duplications. even if that's case, how graph have looked if there had been more 3 d...

java - Delaunay triangles point connectivity? -

i watching video: delaunay triangulation , want use generate procedural content in same way. had pretty hard time figuring out how work delaunaytriangulation class supplied libgdx guess figured out. my question how know point connected point in easy way? how setup points testing, these points need supplied rooms generated. private void triangletest() { delaunaytriangulator triangulator = new delaunaytriangulator(); points = new float[8]; points[0] = 80; points[1] = 30; points[2] = 40; points[3] = 45; points[4] = 0; points[5] = 10; points[6] = -100; points[7] = 100; indices = triangulator.computetriangles(points, false); system.out.println(indices); //output [1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3] } and how drawing points , lines/triangles, visualization , understanding. private void drawtriangles() { //draw points (int = 0; < points.length / 2; i++) ...

Android - OnMyLocationChangeListener not work when I close and open again the activity -

in application i'm using maps api v2. have activity contains map: <linearlayout android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center" android:gravity="center" android:orientation="vertical"> <fragment android:id="@+id/map" android:name="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_gravity="center" /> </linearlayout> when activity starts, shows location on map , updated using onmylocationchangelistener. works perfectly, have big problem: when open activity works great, can see icon of location in notification bar...

c++ - Can not connect to an abstract unix socket in python -

i have server written in c++ creates , binds abstract unix socket namespace address of "\0hidden" . have client written in c++ , client can successfully connect server. btw, not have source code of client. trying connect server using client have written in python no success. not understand why python client not working. posting relevant parts of server , client codes. server #define ud_socket_path "\0hidden" struct sockaddr_un addr; int fd,cl; if ( (fd = socket(af_unix, sock_stream, 0)) == -1) { syslog(log_crit, "error creating socket!"); exit(1); } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sun_family = af_unix; strncpy(addr.sun_path, ud_socket_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path)-1); unlink(ud_socket_path); if (::bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) { syslog(log_crit, "bind error"); exit(1); } if (listen(fd, max_conn_pending) == -1) { syslog(log_crit, "listen error"); exit(1... - Best way to modify MVC site to display that you're on a test site -

this question has answer here: razor view engine, how enter preprocessor(#if debug) 6 answers is there quick , easy way detect environment app running on , modify html accordingly? i change shared layout view give header red background when running on test server. i'd avoid writing iis module or http response filter if possible. you can use filter attribute runs every action method , set property in every view's viewbag, example reading environment web.config. "it" being appsettings key "environment", or list of hostname , color mappings. see how set viewbag properties views without using base class controllers? , mirak's answer . then in layout, use viewbag property set html style or class.

javascript - slider image not working in mailchimp template -

here added html: <div class="x-flexslider x-flexslider-shortcode x-flexslider-shortcode-3" data-x-element="slider" data-x-params="{&quot;animation&quot;:&quot;slide&quot;,&quot;slidetime&quot;:&quot;1500&quot;,&quot;slidespeed&quot;:&quot;600&quot;,&quot;controlnav&quot;:false,&quot;prevnextnav&quot;:false,&quot;slideshow&quot;:true,&quot;random&quot;:false}" > <ul class="x-slides"> <li class="x-slide" ><img src=";sz=728x90&amp;li=*listid*&amp;e=*femail*&amp;p=*placementid*" border="0" height="90" width="504px"></img></li> <li class="x-slide" ><img src=";sz=728x90&amp;li=*listid*&amp;e=*femail*&amp;p=*placementid*" border="0...

php - Pulling questions based on category & user -

so developing website has questions across different categories, depending on user question different. an example : team has access questions (cat 1 - question 1, cat 2 - question 2, cat 3, question 3, , cat4 - question 4), , team b has access question (cat 1 - question 5, cat 2 - question 6, cat 4 - question 7).... so each team have these 4 categories question users may different depending on team id. so need pull question based on category along based on team , don't know how go linking button when team click web 'view question' button displays questions , team b different question. here database structure : so far have following : $order = "select * questionscat order questioncatid"; challenge.php <div class="row"> <?php while($data = mysqli_fetch_row($result)){ if($data[0] != null){ echo(' <div class="col-md-3 col-sm...

Retrieve access token for Yahoo API using OAuth 2.0 and Python requests -

i trying retrieve access token yahoo api, using explicit grant flow described in document: everything fine until step 4: exchange authorization code access token i wrote following python script retrieve code: import urllib2 import requests import json url = '' body = "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=oob&code=************" headers = { 'authorization': 'basic **************', 'content-type': 'application/json' } r =, data=body, headers=headers) print r note: replaced sensitive data "****" now, when execute script, "401" error message. i 100% sure login credentials fine, seems related way make request. it's first time using "requests" in python. would great, if give me feedback on code, , if passing header , body information correctly. unsure passin...

javascript - Width of div taking all remaining width -

i trying put top bar on right of left menu. put width: 100% of #top_bar there big. top bar take remaining space of screen. html: <body> <div id="menu_left"></div> <div id="top_bar"></div> </body> css: #menu_left { background-color: #354052; position: fixed; height: 100%; float: left; width: 200px; } #top_bar { border-bottom: 1px solid #eff0f3; position: absolute; background-color: white; left: 200px; height: 70px; width: 100%; } result: #top_bar { border-bottom: 1px solid #eff0f3; position: absolute; background-color: white; top: 0px; left: 200px; right: 0px; height: 70px; }

c++ - Pointer declaration with and without struct? -

this question has answer here: why c need “struct” keyword , not c++? 6 answers what's difference between: struct name{ int example; name *next; }; struct name *next= null; ...and name *next=null;` (defined after data structure, when linked list still empty) ? first of data member name next in structure struct name { int example; name *next; }; and variable same name declared after structure example struct name *next = null; are 2 different entities. the last declaration not initialize null data member of object of structure. declares pointer object of type of structure. now difference between 2 declarations struct name *next = null; and name *next = null; in first 1 there used so-called elaborated type name struct name . advantage compared second declaration object, enumerator or function decla...

ios - Wikitude does not work. Poi do not change the position on phone position change -

i trying integrate ar poi view wikitude in app. html used file example 4_pointofinterest_4_selectingpois . should render few point around location. it, points stay in same position time, although changed phone position. not have errors in console. how can fix ? my code: #import "viewcontroller.h" #import <wikitudesdk/wikitudesdk.h> #import "purelayout.h" @interface viewcontroller () <wtarchitectviewdelegate> @property (nonatomic, strong) wtarchitectview *architectview; @property (nonatomic, weak) wtnavigation *architectworldnavigation; @property (nonatomic, weak) iboutlet uiview *augmentedviewcontainer; @end @implementation viewcontroller - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; nserror *devicenotsupportederror = nil; if ( [wtarchitectview isdevicesupportedforrequiredfeatures:wtfeature_geo | wtfeature_2dtracking error:&devicenotsupportederror] ) { // 1 self.architectview = [[wtarchitectview alloc] initwithframe:cgre...